



考题1 美国小镇的变化(2015年真题)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


The map below shows the changes in an American town between 1948 and 2010.


Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Write at least 150 words.



The maps portray the modifications which took place in an American town between 1948 and 2010. Generally speaking, some noticeable changes were made during the period.


Looking at the details, there were some significant variabilities. From the middle of town up to north-east, the surrounding lake with trees and the factories were situated in 1948. In 2010, these places were modified to a supermarket, commercial buildings and the airport. At the same time in the bottom right-hand corner of the town, the sports stadium replaced the church during this time. Residential houses and local supermarket were substituted with commercial buildings.


By contrast, the residential houses which were located on the right side of the canal and the petrol station situated in the north of city did not change their positions all through a period of time.


Overall, in spite of some significant changes, the dimension of town did not alter. However, these variations manifest that the city developed gradually in terms of everything during this interval.






考题2 West Park School的变化(OG例题)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


The diagram shows the changes that have taken place at West Park Secondary School since its construction in 1950


Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Write at least 150 words.





The presented diagrams illustrate the changes the West Park Secondary School has undergone since its establishment in 1950. Overall, it is evident that the school area was expanded and the areas for the playground and sports field contracted.


As can be seen from the diagrams, the first time different modifications were made to the school ground was in 1980, when a new car park and science block were constructed where a group of residential houses used to be. The nearby farmland was also converted into a sports field.


In 2010, the most significant alteration to the school territory was the enlargement of the parking spot, which then covered the entire old sports field. In addition, the size of the playground had been reduced to make room for a new sports field.


To summarize, over the years West Park Secondary School has built and expanded some new facilities, such as the car park and science block, but at the same time, its playground and sports field have been reduced in size.



考题3 Health Center的变化(2016年真题)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


Plan A below shows a health centre in 2005. Plan B shows the same place in the present day.


Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Write at least 150 words.





The plans, A and B, illustrate the refurbishment of a health centre in two different years (2005 and the present). Overall, there have been massive changes in the health centre over the period given. The centre has clearly been enlarged and its layout has also been changed to meet the demand.


In 2005, the main entrance was located in front of the health centre with 12 car parking spaces outside. From the main entrance, there were some seats along the hallway for clients to wait for consultation. At the end of the hallway, there was a reception desk for clients to register. In addition, an office and a consultation room were located on the left of the desk, and on its right, there were two more consultation rooms. Finally, a physiotherapy room was built behind the desk.


In the present day, the layout of the centre has been revised. The main entrance is now situated in the left corner of the centre with a reception desk and an area for children to play. Meanwhile, there is a large common area in the middle of the centre for clients where seats are available alongside the wall. All original rooms and a newly added room called the minor operations room, on the other hand, are now allocated to the common area. Finally, the size of the car park increased by twice with 30 spaces.