
    在雅思考试的阅读题型中,有一种难度较高的题型叫做句子配对题。这类题型的题目说明中常会出现“Correct each sentence with the correct ending … ”的说明字样。虽说此类题型的考查频率并不很高,不会像TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN一样每场考试都会考到,但是从最新出版的The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS雅思官方指南上的样题来看,在八套A类样题中,有三套题出现了句子配对题。这说明这类题型在现在的考试中还是会有一定的几率出现在考生的视线中。因此,笔者这里就对句子配对题的解题思路进行一下分析。


   之所以说句子配对题是一类难度较高的题型,其原因有两个方面:第一,题干信息,也就是题目中给出的前半句信息,在文章中不一定是按照顺序出现的(如:剑桥雅思真题集第7册Page 52 Questions 36 - 39),这就要求考生在做到这个题型时已经实现对文章内容有一定程度的了解,并且能够准确理解题干信息在原文中出现时发生了什么样的变化;第二,题目中所给出的选项信息,也会和原文中找到的下半句信息发生比较严重的同义替换,导致考生判断答案的时候容易由于理解的问题而出错。




  首先,是针对题干信息乱序的题型做法。我们可以先来看一下剑桥雅思真题集第7册Page 52 Questions 36 – 39:


Questions 36-39

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-J, below.

Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 36-39 on your answer sheet.


36    Construction of footbridges, steps and handrails

37    Frequent breakdown of buses and trucks in Makete

38    The improvement of secondary roads and paths

39    The isolation of Makete for part of the year


A    provided the people of Makete with experience in running bus and truck services.

B    was especially successful in the northern part of the district.

C    differed from earlier phases in that the community became less actively involved.

D    improved paths used for transport up and down hillsides.

E    was no longer a problem once the roads had been improved.

F    cost less than locally made wheelbarrows.

G    was done only at the request of local people who were willing to lend a hand.

H    was at first considered by MIRTP to be affordable for the people of the district.

I    hindered attempts to make the existing transport services more efficient.

J    was thought to be the most important objective of Phase III.




通过对上面的题干分析,我们可以从题干中找出标为红色的这些词或者词组来作为定位词。在回到原文中定位时我们会发现,最先出现的是在Section B中第一个自然段说到的“When the project began, Makete District was virtually totally isolated during the rainy season”对应题干中的最后一题。但是在我们理解选项时会发现,这个信息原文中没有找到能够和选项直接对应的内容。所以我们可以暂且先将这道题目放到一边稍后再说。


第二个,是在Section C中第三个自然段出现的“Most goods were transported along the paths that provide short-cuts up and down the hillsides, but the paths were a real safety risk and made the journey on foot even more arduous. It made sense to improve the paths by building steps, handrails and footbridges.”这是对应题目中的36题题干的内容。我们可以通过找到标为绿色的这些字眼理解,从选项中找到与之对应的D选项。


第三个出现的是Section D第三个自然段里的“Paths and secondary roads were improved only at the request of communities who were willing to participate in construction and maintenance.”这是对应题目中38题的题干。通过找到标为蓝色的这些文字的对应,我们可以找到选项中的G选项作为答案。


第四个出现的是在Section D第四个自然段的“The efforts to improve the efficiency of the existing transport services were not very successful because most of the motorised vehicles in the district broke down and there were no resources to repair them.”这是对应题目中37题的题干。通过找到标为紫色的这些字样,我们会发现I选项是与本题原文意思相同的信息。




上面这道题是属于题干信息在文中乱序出现的情况。如果通过对于题干信息的定位发现题干在文章中是顺序出现的,那么题目在定位时会相对简单。但是对于选项的理解仍然需要注意。例如下面我们要探讨的剑桥雅思真题集第6册 Page 47 Questions 23 – 26:


Questions 23 - 26

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-H, below.

Write the correct letter, A-H. in boxes 23-26 on you r answer sheet.


23   Home medical aids

24   Regular amounts of exercise

25   Feelings of control over life

26   Feelings of loneliness


A   may cause heart disease.

B   can be helped by hormone treatment.

C   may cause rises in levels of stress hormones.

D   have cost the United States government more than $200 billion.

E   may help prevent mental decline.

F   may get stronger al night.

G   allow old people to be more independent.

H   can reduce stress in difficult situations.


针对上题,我们会发现题干信息在文中的分布是按照顺序进行的,第23 – 26题在原文中分别出现在从倒数第5段至倒数第2段的四个段落中,每段一题相关信息。在这种情况下,提醒的难点就体现在理解选项与原文的对应上了。


倒数第5段出现的“the increasing self-reliance of many elderly people”对应了G选项的“allow old people to be more independent”;倒数第4段的“prevent the brains of active humans from deteriorating”对应了E选项的“may help prevent mental decline”;倒数第三段的“situations of challenging activities”对应了H选项的“difficult situations”;倒数第二段的“maintained higher levels of stress hormones”对应了C选项的“cause rises in levels of stress hormones”。

